
n. 淑女, 夫人, 女士, 贵妇
lady n 1 [C] woman of good manners and dignified behaviour 举止文雅的女子; 淑女
She´s a real lady never loses her temper. 她是个有教养的女子--从来不发脾气. Cf 参看 gentleman. 2 [C] (esp formerly) woman of good family and social position (尤指旧时)出身高贵有地位的女子
She was a lady by birth. 她出身高贵. 3 [C] (esp in polite use) woman (尤作礼貌用语)女士, 夫人, 小姐
Ask that lady to help you. 请那位小姐帮你忙吧.
The lady at the tourist office told me it opened at 1 pm. 旅行社的那位小姐告诉我下午一点开门.
the old lady next door 隔壁那位老太太
the `tea-lady 女勤杂工
[attrib 作定语] a lady doctor 女医师. 4 [C] (US infml 口) (used as a term of address 用作称呼) woman 女士; 太太; 夫人; 小姐
Hey lady you can´t park there! 嘿, 小姐--那儿不能停车! 5 Lady (a) (esp in the UK) title used with the surname of the wives of some nobles (尤指在英国)夫人(某些贵族妻子的尊称, 用时带姓)
Lady (Randolph) Churchill (伦道夫?)邱吉尔夫人. (b) (esp in the UK) title used with the first name of the daughters of some nobles (尤指在英国)小姐(某些贵族女儿的尊称, 用时带名)
Lady Philippa (Stewart) 菲利帕(?斯图尔特)小姐. (c) part of an official title of respect 官衔敬称的一部分:Lady `Mayoress (女)市长阁下
Lady `President (女)总统阁下. 6 Ladies [sing v](Brit) women´s public lavatory 女厕所
Is there a Ladies near here? 附近有女厕所吗?7 (idm 习语) the ,lady of the `house woman with authority in a household 女主人; 主妇
Might I speak to the lady of the house? 我可以和府上女主人说句话吗? one´s young lady/young man => young. lady, 1 POLITE ADDRESS Ladies and gentlemen are used as the plural forms of sir and madam. 称谓敬辞
ladies 和 gentlemen sir madam 的复数. 2 REFERRING TO PEOPLE Lady and gentleman are used instead of woman and man to show politeness. 间接敬称
要用 lady gentleman, woman man.