
n. 法律, 法则, 定律, 法律的制约, 法学, 司法界, 诉讼
vt. 起诉
vi. 起诉
【化】 定律
【医】 定律, 法律
【经】 法, 法则, 规律
be good law
be bad law
be within the law
be outside the law
give the law to sb
lay down the law
take the law into one's own hands
law and order
go to law against sb
be at law
law n 1 [C] rule established by authority or custom, regulating the behaviour of members of a community, country, etc (具体的)法, 法律, 法规, 法令
The new law comes into force next month. 新法规下月实施. 2 [U] (also the law) body of such rules (整体的)法, 法律, 法规, 法令
respect for tribal law 遵守部落的法规
observe/obey the law 守法[遵法]
Stealing is against the law. 盗窃是违法的.
Children not admitted by law. 儿童不准进入--有法律规定.
I didn´t know I was breaking the law, ie doing sth illegal. 我并不知道自己已违法.
be within/outside the law 在法律许可之内[之外]
She acts as if she´s above the law, ie as if the law does not apply to her. 她自以为可以凌驾法律之上.
The law is on our side, ie We are right according to the law. 我们是有法律依据的. 3 [U] such rules as a science or subject of study 法律学; 法学
read (ie study) law at university 在大学攻读法律学
He gave up law to become a writer. 他放弃学法律而从事写作.
[attrib 作定语] a law student 法律系学生. 4 [C] rule of action or procedure, esp in the arts or a game 规则(尤指艺术或比赛中的)
the laws of perspective, harmony 透视法、 和声法
the laws of tennis 网球规则. 5 [C] factual statement of what always happens in certain circumstances; scientific principle 规律; 法则; 定律; 原理
the law of gravity 引力定律
the laws of motion 运动定律. 6 the law [sing] (infml 口) the police 警方; 警察
Watch out here comes the law! 注意--警察来了! 7 (idm 习语) the arm of the law => arm1. be a law unto one`self/it`self behave in an unconventional or unpredictable fashion 以反常规的或不可预料的方式行事
My car´s a law unto itself I can´t rely on it. 我的汽车自行其是--靠不住了. go to `law (against sb) ask the lawcourts to decide about a problem, claim, etc 提起诉讼; 打官司. have the `law on sb (infml 口) report sb to the police; start legal proceedings against sb 向警方告发某人; 对某人提出起诉
If you do that again I´ll have the law on you. 你要是再那样做, 我就报警. law and `order situation in which the law is obeyed 法治
a breakdown in/of law and order 法治的衰败
establish, maintain, uphold, etc law and order 建立、 维护、 坚持...法治
[attrib 作定语] a law-and-order policy 法治方针. the law of `averages principle according to which one believes that if one extreme occurs it will be matched by the other extreme occurring, so that a normal average is maintained 平均律. the law of the `jungle the survival or success of the strongest or the most unscrupulous 丛林法则; 弱肉强食. lay down the `law say with (real or assumed) authority what should be done 以(真的或假的)权威资格说话
He´s always laying down the law about gardening but he really doesn´t know much about it. 他总是对园艺工作发号施令, 其实他只是一知半解. the letter of the law => letter. possession is nine points of the law => possession. take the law into one´s own `hands disregard the law and take independent (and usu forceful) action to correct sth believed to be wrong 无视法律而私行(通常用武力)惩治. there´s no law against sth (infml 口) (doing) sth is allowed (做)某事是许可的
I´ll stay in bed as long as I like there´s no law against it. 我在床上爱呆多久就呆多久--谁也管不著. an unwritten law/rule => unwritten.