
n. 同盟, 联盟, 盟约
vt. 组联盟, (使)加盟
vi. 组联盟, (使)加盟
【法】 同盟, 联盟
in league with
league n 1 group of people or countries combined for a particular purpose 联盟; 同盟
the League of Nations 国际联盟. 2 group of sports clubs competing against each other for a championship (参赛运动队的)联盟
the local darts league 地方掷镖俱乐部联盟
[attrib 作定语] the league champions 联赛冠军
bottom of the league table 联赛成绩名次表上的末尾. 3 (infml 口) class or category of excellence (好坏的)等级, 范畴
They´re not in the same league. 他们不属同一级别.
I´m not in his league. 我不是他那一类人.
be out of one´s league, ie outclassed 不如与自己同类的人. 4 (idm 习语) in league (with sb) conspiring together; allied 共谋; 联合
He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league (together). 他装著不认识她, 其实他们暗中勾结(在一起). league, v (phr v) league together form a league; unite 组成联盟; 联合
We must league together against this threat. 面对这种威胁我们必须联合起来. league n (arch 古) former measure of distance (about 3 miles or 4.8 km) 里格(旧时长度单位, 约3英里或4.8公里). =>App 5 见附录5.