
a. 合法的, 正当的, 婚生的
vt. 认为正当, 立为嫡嗣, 使合法
【经】 合法的, 合理的
legitimate adj 1 in accordance with the law or rules; lawful 法定的; 依法的; 合法的
the legitimate heir 法定继承人
I´m not sure that his business is strictly legitimate, ie is legal. 我说不好他的生意是否绝对合法. 2 that can be defended; reasonable 正当的; 合理的
a legitimate argument, reason, case, etc 合乎情理的论据、 理由、 例子等
Politicians are legitimate targets for satire. 政治家理所当然是讽刺的靶子. 3 (of a child) born to parents who are legally married to each other (指孩子)婚生的, 合法婚姻所生的. Cf 参看 illegitimate. 4 genuine 正统的: legitimate theatre, ie serious drama, not musicals, revues, etc 正统戏剧(非歌舞喜剧、 时事讽刺剧等).