
vt. 让, 假设, 出租, 排放, 妨碍
vi. 出租, 被承包
n. 出租屋, 障碍
【化】 传能线密度; 线性能量转移
let be
let fall
let fly
let fly at
let sb in for trouble
let into
let loose
let sb off easy
let it go at that
let sb know
let sb in for sth
let sb in on sth
let sb off sth
let sb off
let oneself go
let sth out
let pass
let ride
let sb have it
let slide
let slip
let up
without let or hindrance
let sb through
let drop a hint
let one's hair down
let alone
let v (-tt-, pt, pp let) 1 [Cn.i no passive 不用於被动语态] (often with the infinitive omitted when the context is clear 连用的动词不定式在上下文清楚时常省略) allow (sb/sth) to 允许, 让(某人[某事物])...
Don´t let your child play with matches. 别让孩子玩火柴.
My father´s only just had his operation and they won´t let me see him yet. 我父亲刚动过手术, 医生还不允许我去看他.
She asked me if she could leave but I wouldn´t let her (leave). 她问我她是否可以走, 可我不让她走. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] allow (sb/oneself/sth) to go or pass in, etc 允许(某人[自己/某事物])进入, 通过
let sb into the house 允许某人进屋
I´ll give you a key to the flat so that you can let yourself in. 我把房门钥匙交给你, 你可以自己进去.
You´ve let all the air out of the tyres. 你让车胎的气都跑光了.
Let her past (you). 让她(从你身旁)过去吧.
Don´t let the dog out (of the room). 别让狗跑到(房间)外面去.
The roof lets water through. 屋顶漏雨.
Windows let in light and air. 窗户可透光及通风. 3 [Cn.i no passive 不用於被动语态] (used as an imperative 用於祈使语气) (a) (with the first person plural to make a suggestion 与复数第一人称连用, 用以提出建议)
Let´s go to the cinema. 咱们看电影去吧.
I don´t think we´ll succeed but let´s try anyway. 我想我们不一定能成功, 但是不管怎样还是试试吧. (b) (in requests and commands 用於要求与命令)
Let the work be done immediately. 工作要马上完成.
Let there be no mistake about it, ie Don´t misunderstand me. 不要误解我的意思. (c) (used to express an assumption, eg in mathematics 用以表示假设, 如於数学中)
Let line AB be equal to line CD. 设AB线与CD线等长.
Let ABC be an angle of 90. 设ABC为一90角. (d) (used to express defiance 用以表示违抗或蔑视)
Let them do their worst. 让他们蛮干好啦.
Let them attack: we´ll defeat them anyway. 让他们进攻吧, 反正我们必胜. 4 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (out/off) (to sb) allow sb to use (a house, room, etc) in return for regular payments 出租(房子、 房间等)
I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers). 我把多余的房间出租(给房客).
They decided to let (off) the smaller flats at lower rents. 他们决定把小单元廉价出租. 5 (idm 习语) ,let sb/sth `be not disturb or interfere with sb/sth 不打扰或不干涉某人[某事物]
Let me be, I want a rest. 别打扰我, 我要休息.
Let the poor dog be, ie Don´t tease it. 别逗那条可怜的狗吧. let it `go (at `that) say or do no more about sth 不再多说; 不再多做; 就那样吧
I don´t agree with all you say, but I´ll let it go at that. 我并不完全同意你说的话, 但我不再多说了.
I thought she was hinting at something but I let it go. 我想她是有所指, 不过我没有理会. ,let oneself `go (a) no longer restrain one´s feelings, desires, etc 尽情发泄感情、 放纵欲望等
Go on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go. 继续玩, 尽情地玩个痛快吧. (b) stop being careful, tidy, conscientious, etc 不再谨慎、 整齐、 认真等
He has let himself go a bit since he lost his job. 他自从失业以来变得有点邋遢了. let sb/sth go; let go of sb/sth release (one´s hold of) sb/sth 松开或释放某人[某事物]
let the rope go/let go of the rope 松开绳子
Let me go! 让我走! * Will they let the hostages go? 他们会释放人质吗? let sb `have it (sl 俚) shoot, punish, etc sb 射击或惩罚某人
Hold this bucket of water, and when he comes round the corner let him have it, ie throw the water at him. 提著这桶水, 等他从拐角那边过来就泼他. let me `see I´m thinking or trying to remember 让我想想
Let me see where did I leave my hat? 让我想想看--我把帽子落在哪儿了? let us `say for example 比如; 例如; 譬如
If the price is 500, let us say, is that too much? 价钱嘛, 比如说500英镑吧, 是不是太贵了? to `let available for renting 待租; 出租
Rooms to let, eg on a sign outside a house 房间出租(如房屋外的招贴). (For other idioms containing let, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 查阅与let搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 let alone => alone; let rip => rip.) 6 (phr v) let sb down fail to help sb; disappoint sb 不帮助某人; 使某人失望
Please come and support me. Don´t let me down. 请来支持我. 可别不帮忙.
This machine won´t let you down, ie is very reliable. 这部机器不会出毛病, 你尽管放心. let sth down (a) lower sth 放下; 降下
We let the bucket down by a rope. 我们用绳子把桶吊下去.
This skirt needs letting down, ie lengthening by lowering the hem-line. 这条裙子需要放长. (b) deflate sth 放掉某物的气
let sb´s tyres down 把某人车胎的气放掉. let n (Brit) letting of property; lease 出租; 租出
I can´t get a let for my house, ie find anyone to rent it from me. 我的房子租不出去. let, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Compare let, rent and hire. 试比较let、 rent、 hire这三个词. In British English these three verbs indicate a person giving permission for someone else to use something in return for money 在英式英语中这三个动词均作出租解
X lets (out)/rents(out)/hires (out) Z to Y. *X把Z租给Y. *Additionally, the user (Y) can be the subject of rent and hire 此外, 承租人Y亦可作rent和hire的主语
Y rents/hires Z from X. *Y从X处租用Z. *We usually let (out) accommodation, buildings or land 通常let (out)者为住处、 建筑物或土地
He lets (out) his house to touristsduring the summer. 他夏天把房子租给游客.
The biggest factory in town is to let. 伦敦最大厂房待租. We rent (out) houses, cars, etc, usually for fairly long periods of time *rent (out)房屋、 汽车等通常为期较长
She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间.
I don´t own my video. I rent it from a shop. 我没有录像机, 我是从商店里租来的. We hire (out) a building, car, suit, etc, usually for a short period and for a particular purpose *hire (out)建筑物、 汽车、 服装等通常是为某种用途短期使用
They hire out boats by the hour. 他们按小时出租小船.
The Labour party hired a concert hall for the election meeting. 工党租用音乐厅作选举会场. In US English rent (out) is used in all the above meanings and hire can mean `employ´ 在美式英语中rent (out)用於上述各义, 而hire可指employ(雇用)
The company´s hiring more men next week. 该公司下周要再雇些男工. This use is less common in British English. 这种用法在英式英语中不多见. let n 1 (in tennis) ball which, when it is served, hits the top of the net and drops into the opponent´s court (网球)(发出的)擦网球. 2 (idm 习语) without ,let or `hindrance (fml or law 文或律) unimpeded; without obstruction 毫无阻碍; 顺畅地
Please allow the bearer of this passport to pass freely without let or hindrance. 请予护照持有人顺利通行.