like a lamb
栏目: 英汉词典 查阅: 41次
驯顺地, 怯弱地, 天真地
标签:like a lamb,用法,音标,短语
- what do you think of...? 你认为...怎么样?...
- take sb. into one's service 雇用某人...
- take one's temperature 量体温...
- xero- 干燥...
- table-tennis n.乒乓球...
- wild goose 雁...
- tablet n.平板,门牌,笔记簿,碑,匾...
- what's the matter with...? ...怎么啦?...出了什么事...
- magazine n.杂志,仓库,弹盒,胶卷盒卡...
- to have a shower 洗个淋浴...
- turn-off 关断,断开...
- ow interj.啊唷...
- third arbitrator 第三仲裁员...
- wind-bell n.风铃...
- writer n.作家,撰稿者,抄写员记录器...