
n. 环, 连结物, 链接, 火把
vt. 连结, 联合, 挽住
vi. 连接起来
【计】 连接, 链路
【化】 环节
【经】 环节, 连接, 联系
link n 1 one ring or loop of a chain (链的)环, 圈. 2 person or thing that connects two others 联系两者的人或事物; 关系; 联系
Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. 警方怀疑这两起谋杀案可能有关联.
commercial, cultural, diplomatic, etc links (between two countries) (两国间的)商业、 文化、 外交等的往来. 3 (formerly) measure of length, one hundredth of a chain, equal to 7.92 inches or about 20 centimetres (旧时)令(长度单位, 一链的百分之一, 合7.92英寸或约20厘米). 4 (idm 习语) the missing link => miss3. link, v 1 [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ A with B/~ A and B (together); ~ sth (up) make or suggest a connection between people or things 将人或物连接或联系起来
The crowd linked arms to form a barrier. 群众臂挽著臂组成人墙.
Television stations around the world are linked by satellite. 全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起.
The newspapers have linked his name with hers, ie implied that they are having an affair. 报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起(暗指他们有染).
a new road to link (up) the two motorways 连接两条高速公路的新路. 2 (phr v) link up (with sb/sth) form a connection 连接; 结合
The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit. 两艘宇宙飞船将於轨道上(互相)连接.