
n. 液体, 流体, 流音
a. 液体的, 透明的, 明亮的, 流动的, 易变的
【化】 液体; 液态的
【医】 液体, 液态的, 液状的
【经】 易变为现金的(财产)
liquid n 1 [C, U] substance that flows freely but is not a gas, eg water or oil 液体
Air is a fluid but not a liquid, while water is both a fluid and a liquid. 空气是流体不是液体, 水是流体也是液体.
If you add too much liquid the mixture will not be thick enough. 加入的液体太多, 混合液的浓度就不够. 2 [C] (phonetics 语音) either of the consonants or 流音(即 /r/或 /l/). liquid adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 in the form of a liquid; not gaseous or solid 液体的; 液态的; 流质的
liquid food/nourishment, ie easily swallowed, eg by sick people 流质食物[营养品]
(joc 谑) a liquid lunch, ie beer, etc rather than food 液体午餐(啤酒等). 2 clear and clean, like water 清澈的; 晶莹的
eyes of liquid blue 蓝莹莹的眼睛. 3 (of sounds) clear, pure and flowing (指声音)清脆的, 纯正的, 流畅的
the liquid song of a blackbird 黑鹂清脆的叫声. 4 (finance 财) easily converted into cash 易转换成现款的
one´s liquid assets 流动资产.