
n. 目录, 名单, 明细表, 布条, 条纹, 列表, 序列, 数据清单
vt. 列出, 列于表上, 记入名单内, 装布条
vi. 列于表上
【计】 列表, 序列, 数据清单
【经】 目录表, 一览表, 价目表; 列出
stand first on the list
list n 1 series of names, items, figures, etc written or printed 一览表; 清单: a shopping list 购物单
make a list of things one must do 把要做的事列出清单
put sb/sth on the list 将某人[某事物]列在单子上
take sb/sth off the list 将某人[某事物]从单子上除掉. 2 (idm 习语) on the danger list => danger. list, v [Tn] (a) make a list of (things) 将(事物)列於表上; 造表; 列单子
list one´s engagements for the week 把一周要做的事列成表. (b) put (things) on a list 编(事物)的目录
The books are listed alphabetically. 这些书是按字母顺序编入目录的. list v [I, Ipr] (of a ship) lean over to one side (指船)倾侧
The damaged vessel was listing badly. 受损坏的船倾斜得很厉害.
The ship lists to port. 那船向左舷倾斜. list, n [sing] listing position; tilt 倾侧; 倾斜
develop a heavy list 逐渐形成严重的倾侧.