
n. 木材, 破旧家俱, 废物, 隆隆声
vt. 砍伐木材, 乱堆
vi. 笨拙地移动, 喧闹地向前走, 隆隆地移动
【经】 木材, 破旧家俱
lumber n[U] 1 (esp Brit) unwanted pieces of furniture, etc that are stored away or take up space (无用的)旧家具等. 2 (esp US) = timber 1. lumber, v 1 (a) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态
Tn,] ~ sb (with sb/sth) give as a burden or aninconvenience to sb 给某人负担或不便
He got lumberedwith the job of finding accommodation for the whole team. 他有个苦差事, 是要为全队物色食宿的处所.
It looks as though we´re going to be lumbered with Uncle Bill for the whole weekend. 看来我们整个周末都得陪著比尔大叔了. (b) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态
Tn,, Tn.p]~ sth (up) (with sth) fill up (space) inconveniently 零乱堆满(空间)
a room lumbered up with junk 堆满了无用之物的房间
a mind lumbered with useless facts 充满无用资料的头脑. 2 [I, Tn] (esp US) cut and prepare (timber) for use 伐木制材. lumber v [Ipr, Ip] move in a heavy clumsy way 笨重地移动
elephants lumbering along, past, by, etc 缓慢地走著的象群
Look where you´re going, you lumbering great oaf! 看著点道儿, 你这个马大哈!