
a. 疯狂的, 发疯的, 生气的, 愚蠢的, 狂欢的
n. 狂怒
【医】 发狂的, 患狂犬病的
have a mad on
like mad
drive sb mad
mad adj (-dder, -ddest) 1 (a) mentally ill; insane 疯的; (患)精神病的; 精神错乱的
a mad person, act 精神失常的人、 行为
be/go mad 发疯 * drive/send sb mad 把某人逼疯. (b) (infml esp derog 口, 尤作贬义) very foolish; crazy 极愚蠢的; 疯狂的
What a mad thing to do! 多愚蠢的事啊!
You must be mad to drive so fast! 你开得这样快, 简直疯了!
He´s quite mad: he goes round in very odd clothes. 他真是疯了, 竟穿著稀奇古怪的衣服到处逛. 2 (infml 口) (a) ~ about/on sth/sb very interested in sth/sb; enthusiastic about sth/sb 对某事物[某人]极感兴趣或很入迷
mad on football, pop music, etc 对足球、 流行歌曲等著迷
He´s mad about her, ie likes/loves her very much. 他爱她爱得如醉如痴. (b) (following ns 用於名词之後) very keen on (sth/sb) 极喜爱(某事物[某人])
be cricket mad, photography mad, pop music mad, etc 酷爱板球、 摄影、 流行音乐等
a crowd of football-mad little boys 一群迷恋足球运动的小男孩儿. 3 ~ (with sth) (infml 口) very excited; wild; frenzied 非常激动的; 狂暴的; 狂乱的
a mad dash, rush, etc 乱冲、 狂奔
mad with pain 极疼痛
The crowd is mad with excitement! 群众激动万分! 4 (infml 口) ~ (at/with sb) angry; furious 愤怒的; 狂怒的
His obstinacy drives me mad! 他顽固不化把我气得火冒三丈!
She was mad at/with him for losing the match. 她对他输了这?quot;热张?
mad at/with the dog for eating her shoe (她)因狗咬她的鞋而发怒.
Don´t get mad (about the broken window). 别(为窗户坏了)大动肝火. 5 (of a dog) suffering from rabies (指狗)患狂犬病的. 6 (idm 习语) hopping mad => hop1. like `mad (infml 口) very much, quickly, etc 非常、 极快地等
smoke, run, work, etc like mad 拼命地吸烟、 跑、 工作等. (as) mad as a `hatter/a March `hare (infml 口) completely insane 像三月里(交尾期)野兔般疯狂. mad `keen (on sb/sth) (infml 口) very interested (in sb/sth) or enthusiastic (about sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])极感兴趣或很入迷
She´s mad keen on hockey/on Arthur Higgins. 她极喜爱曲棍球[阿瑟?希金斯]. stark raving/staring mad => stark.