
n. 邮件, 邮政, 邮递, 盔甲
vt. 邮寄, 给...穿盔甲
【计】 邮件
mail n 1 [U] official system of collecting, transporting and delivering letters and parcels 邮政; 邮政系统; 邮政制度
send a letter by airmail 寄一封航空信
The letter is in the mail. 信在邮寄途中.
[attrib 作定语] the mail van, service, train 邮政汽车、 服务、 列车
the `mail-coach, ie horse-drawn coach formerly used for carrying letters, etc (旧时)邮政马车. 2 (a) [U] letters, parcels, etc sent by post 信件; 邮包; 邮件
Post office workers sort the mail. 邮局工作人员分拣邮件.
There isn´t much mail today. 今天邮件不多.
The office mail is opened in the morning. 公务信件在早晨开启. (b) [C] letters, parcels, etc delivered or collected at one time 一次发送或收取的邮件
I want this letter to catch the afternoon mail. 我想让这封信赶得及能随下午收取的邮件走.
Is there another mail in the afternoon? 下午还另有一批邮件吗? Cf 参看 post3. mail, v [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) (esp US) send sth (to sb) by post (给某人)寄某物
Mail me a new form, please. 请给我寄一张新表格.
I´ll mail it to you tomorrow. 我明天把它寄给你. Cf 参看 post4. mail n [U] body armour made of metal rings or plates linked together 铠甲
a coat of mail 一件铠甲.