n. 多数, 多数人
a. 许多的
pron. 许多
the many
as many as
half as many again
many a time
many a man
many's the
many's the time
so many
a good many
a great many
as many
as many again
many and many a time
det, indef pron (used with pl ns or vs 与复数名词或动词连用)
1 a large number of people or things 大量的人或事物.
(a) (det)
Many people agree with nationalization. 很多人都赞成国有化.
I didn´t see many houses under 50000. 我很少见到5万英镑以下的房子.
Were there many pictures by British artists? 英国画家的作品多吗?
How many children have you got? 你有几个孩子?
There are too many mistakes in this essay. 这篇文章错误太多.
I don´t need many more. 我需要的不多了.
(b) (pron)
Many of the students were from Japan. 许多学生都是日本人.
I have some classical records but not very many. 我有一些古典音乐唱片, 但是不太多.
Did you know many of them? 他们中很多人你都认识吗?
How many do you want? 你要多少?
I wouldn´t have offered to water the plants if I´d known there were so many. 早知道有这麽多花草需要浇水, 我就不自告奋勇了.
He made ten mistakes in as many (ie ten) lines. 他在十行里就有十个错. =>Usage at much1 用法见much1.
2 many a a large number of 许多 (used with a sing n + sing v 与单数名词+单数动词连用)
Many a strong man has weakened before such a challenge. 很多坚强的人面对这种困难都动摇了.
Many a famous pop star has been ruined by drugs. 很多著名的流行音乐歌星都因使用毒品而毁了自己.
I´ve been to the top of the Eiffel Tower many a time. 我曾多次登上埃菲尔铁塔的塔顶.
(saying 谚) Many a true word is spoken in jest. 笑谈之中有真话.
3 (idm 习语) be ,one, etc too `many (for sth) be one, etc more than the correct or needed number 比正确的或所需的数目多...个
There are six of us two too many for a game of whist. 我们有六个人--要打惠斯特牌就多了两个人. a good/great many very many 许多; 很多. have had ,one too `many (infml 口) be slightly drunk 有一点醉. many´s the sb/sth who/that... there are many people/things that... 有很多的...人[事物]
Many´s the promise that has been broken. 违反诺言的事经常有. (Cf 参看 Many a promise has been broken.)
Many´s the time that I heard him use those words. 有很多次我听到他使用那些词语. (Cf 参看 I heard him use those words many a time.)