
n. 地图, 天体图, 映像
vt. 映射, 绘制...地图, 计划
【计】 实用程序, 映射, 制造自动化协议
【医】 图, 图型
on the map
wipe off the map
map sth out
off the map
map n 1 (a) representation on paper, etc of the earth´s surface or part of it, showing countries, rivers, mountains, oceans, roads, etc 地图
a map of France 法国地图
find a place on the map 在地图上寻找一个地点
a street map of London 伦敦街道图
I´ll draw you a map of how to get to my house. 我给你画一张到我家的路线图. =>illus 见插图. (b) similar plan showing the position of the stars, etc in the sky 天体图(标示星辰等在天空的位置)
a map of the heavens 天体图. Cf 参看 chart, plan 2. 2 (idm 习语) put sb/sth on the `map make sb/sth famous or important 使某人[某事物]出名或有重要性
Her performance in that play really put her on the map as a comedy actress. 她在那出剧中当喜剧演员而一举成名. wipe sth off the map => wipe. map, v (-pp-) [Tn] 1 make a map of (an area, etc); show on a map 绘制(一地区等的)地图; 用地图表示
an unexplored country that hasn´t yet been mapped 地图上没有标示的、 未经勘察的地带. 2 (phr v) map sth out (a) plan or arrange sth 筹画或安排某事
He´s already mapped out his whole future career. 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计画. (b) present sth in detail 详细提出某事
She mapped out her ideas on the new project. 她详细提出了对新项目的意见.