
n. 命令, 指令, 要求
vt. 委任统治
【经】 支付命令, 委托, 委任契约
mandate n (usu sing 通常作单数) 1 ~ (to do sth) (a) authority given to a party, trade union, etc by the people who support it (党派、 工会等的拥护者对所在组织的)授权
Our election victory has given us a mandate to reform the economy. 我们在选举获胜, 这就使我们有权进行经济改革.
We have a mandate from the union membership to proceed with strike action. 我们获得工会会员同意, 继续罢工. (b) order (given to sb to do sth); mission 命令; 训令; 使命
The government gave the police a mandate to reduce crime. 政府命令警方进一步打击犯罪活动. 2 (formerly) power given to a country to administer a territory (旧时)(授予某国对某地的)委托统治权. mandate, v 1 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] put (a territory) under a mandate(2) 将(某地)委托某国管理
the mandated territories 托管地. 2 (a) [Dn.t] give (sb) the power (to do sth) by mandate(2) 授权(某人)根据委托统治权(做某事)
Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa. 英国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地. (b) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] order (sb) to do sth 命令(某人)做某事.