
n. 页边的空白, 边缘, 界限, 余裕, 差数, 差额, 保证金
vt. 加边于, 加旁注于
【计】 页边距
【化】 界限
【医】 缘
【经】 保证金, 利润, 成本与卖价的差额
margin n 1 (a) blank space round the written or printed matter on a page (书写品或印刷品纸页上的)空白边缘, 页边空白
wide/narrow margins 宽的[窄的]页边
notes written in the margin 写在页边上的注解. (b) edge or border 边; 缘; 边沿
the margin of a lake, pool, pond, etc 湖、 水池、 池塘等的边. 2 (a) amount of space, time, votes, etc by which sth is won 获得某事物相差的时空、 票数等的量; 差数; 差额; 差距
a wide margin between the winner and the loser, eg a big difference in points scored 胜败双方比分的巨大差数
He beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds/by a wide margin. 他以领先十秒[很大差距]战胜了其他赛跑者.
She won the seat by a margin of ten votes. 她以十票优势赢得席位. (b) amount of space, time, etc which is allowed for success or safety 为成功或安全而应有的时空等的量; 余地
Leave a good safety margin between your car and the next. 要在你的汽车和另一辆车之间留出一段足够的安全距离. 3 (commerce 商) difference between cost price and selling price 成本与售价间的差额; 赢利; 利润
a business operating on tight (ie small) (profit) margins 赚头小的生意.