
n. 婚姻, 结婚, 婚礼, 合并
【医】 婚姻, 结婚
marriage n 1 [U, C] legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife; state of being married 结婚; 婚姻
an offer of marriage 求婚
After ten years of marriage, they are divorcing. 他们结婚十年了, 现在正闹离婚.
[attrib 作定语] a marriage feast, settlement 婚宴、 结婚授产契约
Her first marriage ended after five years. 她的第一次婚姻维持了五年. 2 [C] ceremony at which a couple are married; wedding 婚礼
Her second marriage was held/took place in St John´s Church. 她的第二次婚礼是在圣约翰教堂举行的.
a marriage in a registry office 在结婚登记处举行的婚礼. 3 (idm 习语) give sb in `marriage (to sb) (fml 文) offer (usu one´s daughter) as a wife 把某人(通常指女儿)嫁出去. take sb in `marriage (fml 文) marry sb 嫁或娶某人.