
n. 熔化, 熔化物, 溶解
vt. (使)熔化, (使)溶解, (使)消散, (使)变软
vi. (使)熔化, (使)溶解, (使)消散, (使)变软
【医】 │熔化
【经】 兑现, (把支票等)换成现金
melt away
melt down
melt into
melt into air
melt into distance
melt into tears
melt v 1 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become liquid through heating (使某物)融化
The ice melted when the sun shone on it. 太阳照到冰上, 冰就融化了.
The hot sun soon melted the ice. 炎热的太阳很快就把冰融化了.
It is easy to melt butter. 黄油很容易化. 2 (a) [I] (fig 比喻) (of food) become soft; dissolve (指食物)变软; 溶解
a sweet that melts on the tongue 在舌上溶化的糖果
This cake melts in the mouth! 这种蛋糕到嘴里就软了! (b) [I, Tn] (of a solid in a liquid) dissolve; cause (a solid) to dissolve (指液体中的固体物)溶解; 使(固体物)溶解
Sugar melts in hot tea. 糖放在热茶中就化了.
The hot coffee melts the sugar. 热咖啡能把糖溶化了. =>Usage at water1 用法见water1. 3 [I, Ipr, Tn] (fig 比喻) (cause sb, sb´s feelings, etc to) soften because of pity, love, etc (使某人、 感情等)(因怜爱等)软化
Her anger melted, ie disappeared. 她的怒气消了.
His heart melted with pity. 他因怜悯而心软了.
She melted into tears. 她心酸而落泪.
Pity melted her heart. 怜悯之情使她心软了. 4 (idm 习语) butter wouldn´t melt in sb´s mouth => butter. 5 (phr v) melt (sth) away (cause sth to) disappear by melting or dissolving (使某物)融化或溶解而消失
The sun has melted the snow away. 太阳把雪融化掉了.
(fig 比喻) The crowd melted away when the storm broke. 暴风雨一来, 人群就散了.
All his support melted away when he really needed it. 在他真正需要支持时, 却得不到一丝半点. melt sth down melt (a metal object) to be used again as raw material 重新熔化(金属物); 回炉
Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins. 很多黄金饰物回炉後铸成了金币. melt into sth (a) change by gradual degrees into sth else 逐渐改变成另物
One colour melted into another, eg in the sky at sunset. 一种颜色逐渐变成了另一种颜色(如日落时的天空景色). (b) slowly disappear into sth 缓慢消失於某物中
He melted into the thick fog. 他慢慢消失在浓雾中.
The ship melted into the darkness. 轮船逐渐隐没在黑暗中.