
a. 心智的, 精神病的, 心理的, 颏的
n. 精神病患者
【医】 精神的, 颏的
mental adj 1 of, in or to the mind 精神的; 心理的; 智力的
an enormous mental effort 巨大的精神力量
a mental process, illness, deficiency 心理过程、 精神病、 智力缺陷
This experience caused him much mental suffering. 这一经历给他的精神造成极大痛苦.
mental cruelty 精神虐待
make a mental note of sth, ie fix sth in one´s mind to be remembered later 把某事记在脑子里. 2 (infml derog 口, 贬) mad 疯的
You must be mental to drive so fast! 你开得这麽快, 疯啦! mental, age level of sb´s intellectual ability, expressed in terms of the average ability for a certain age 智力年龄; 心理年龄
She is sixteen years old but has a mental age of five. 她十六岁, 而智力年龄是五岁.