n. 现代人, 有思想的人
a. 现代的, 时髦的
【经】 现代的, 近代的
1 [attrib 作定语]
of the present or recent times; contemporary 现代的; 近代的
Unemployment is one of the major problems of modern times. 失业问题是现代的主要问题.
in the modern world/age 在当今世界[时代]
modern history, eg of Europe from about 1475 onwards 近代史(如自1475年起之欧洲史).
2 (esp approv 尤作褒义) using or having the newest methods, equipment, buildings, etc; up to date (方法、 设备、 建筑等)新式的, 时髦的, 最新的
modern marketing techniques 最新市场推广技巧
one of the most modern shopping centres in the country全国最先进的购物中心.
3 [attrib 作定语]
of a contemporary style of art, fashion, etc, esp one that is experimental and not traditional (艺术、 时装等)当代风格的, 现代派的
modern dance 现代派舞蹈. =>Usage at new 用法见new. modern, n (dated or fml 旧或文) person living in modern times 现代人.