
n. 老鼠, 胆小羞怯的人, 鼠标
vi. 捕鼠, 窥探
vt. 探出
【计】 鼠标
【医】 小鼠, 鼠; 游动小体
like a drowned mouse
mouse n (pl mice ) 1 (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) (any of several kinds of) small rodent with a long thin tail 鼠: a `house mouse 家鼠
a `field-mouse 田鼠 * a `harvest-mouse 收割鼠. =>illus 见插图. 2 (fig esp joc or derog 比喻, 尤作戏谑语或作贬义) shy, timid person 羞怯、 胆小的人
His wife, a strange little mouse, never said anything. 他的妻子竟然 胆小如鼠, 一句话都没说.
Are you a man or a mouse (ie brave or cowardly)? 你是男子汉还是胆小鬼? 3 (computing 计) small hand-held device that is moved across a desk-top, etc to produce a corresponding movement of the cursor, with buttons for entering commands 鼠标; 滑鼠. =>illus at computer 见computer插图. 4 (idm 习语) play cat and mouse/a cat-and-mouse game with sb => cat1. quiet as a mouse => quiet.