
n. 母亲, 修女院长
vt. 产生, 照看, 收养
【医】 母[亲]
mother n 1 female parent of a child or animal 母亲; 妈妈
My mother died when I was 6. 我6岁时母亲去世了.
the relationship between mother and baby 母婴之间的关系
How are you, Mother? 妈妈, 您好吗?
an expectant (ie a pregnant) mother 孕妇
[attrib 作定语] Look how the mother chimpanzee cares for her young. 瞧, 母黑猩猩多爱护小仔儿啊. =>App 8 见附录8. 2 (way of addressing the) head of a female religious community 女子宗教团体的主持人或对其之称呼
Pray for me, Mother. 教母, 请为我祈祷吧. 3 (way of addressing an old woman) (对年长妇女的称呼)大妈, 大娘. 4 (idm 习语) necessity is the mother of invention => necessity. old enough to be sb´s father/mother => old. mother, v [Tn] 1 care for (sb/sth) as a mother does; rear 像母亲般关怀或照管(某人[某事物]); 养育
piglets mothered by a sow 由一母猪照料的猪仔. 2treat (sb) with too much protection or care 溺爱(某人); 对(某人)过分爱护
He likes being mothered by his landlady. 他喜欢女房东无微不至地照顾他. `Mothering Sunday (also `Mother´s Day) the fourth Sunday in Lent, when mothers traditionally receive gifts and cards from their children 母亲节.