
n. 滥用, 虐待, 恶习, 辱骂
vt. 滥用, 辱骂, 虐待
【化】 不遵守运行规程
【医】 滥用
to heap abuse on sb
abuse v[Tn] 1 make bad or wrong use of (sth) 滥用, 妄用(某事物)
abuse one´s authority, sb´s hospitality, the confidence placed in one 滥用权威, 辜负某人的热情招待, 辜负对自己的信任. 2 treat (sb) badly; exploit 虐待某人; 剥削
a much abused wife 备受虐待的妻子. Cf 参看 misuse. 3 speak insultingly to or about (sb); attack in words 说(某人的)坏话; 辱骂; 诋毁. abuse n 1 (a) [U] wrong or bad use or treatment of sth/sb 对某事物[某人]的滥用, 妄用或虐待: drug abuse 滥用麻醉药品
child abuse 虐待儿童. (b) [C] ~ of sth wrong or bad use of sth 对某事物的滥用, 妄用
an abuse of trust, privilege, authority 辜负别人的信任, 滥用特权, 滥用权力. 2 [C] unjust or corrupt practice 恶习; 弊端; 不正之风
put a stop to political abuses 煞住政治上的不正之风. 3 [U] insulting words; offensive or coarse language 恶言; 辱骂; 粗话
hurl (a stream of) abuse at sb 破口(滔滔不绝)大骂某人
The word `bastard´ is often used as a term of abuse. ´杂种´一词常用作咒骂用语.