
a. 相互的, 共有的
【经】 相互的
mutual adj 1 (of a feeling or an action) felt or done by each towards the other (指感想或行为)相互的, 彼此的
mutual affection, suspicion, etc, ie A is fond/suspicious of B, and B is fond/suspicious of A 彼此间的爱、 猜疑等
mutual aid, assistance, etc 相互的援助、 帮助等. 2 [attrib 作定语] (of people) having the same specified relationship to each other (指人)有相同关系的
We are mutual friends, enemies, etc. 我们彼此是朋友、 敌人等. 3 [attrib 作定语] (infml 口) shared by two or more people (人与人之间)共同的, 共有的, 共享的
our mutual friend, Smith, ie Smith, a friend of both of us 我们两人共同的朋友史密斯. 4 (idm 习语) a mutual admiration society (derog 贬) situation in which two or more people praise or openly admire each other 互相吹棒.