
ad. 自然地, 以自然力, 天生地
naturally adv 1 by nature(4a) 天生地: a naturally gifted actor 天才的演员
She´s naturally musical. 她天生喜爱音乐. 2 of course; as might be expected 当然; 必然
`Did you answer her letter?´ `Naturally!´ `你给她回信了吗?'`当然了!'
Naturally, as a beginner I´m not a very good driver yet. 我初学开车, 当然开不好了. 3 without artificial help, special treatment, etc 天然; 非人为地
Her hair curls naturally. 她天生鬈发.
Plants grow naturally in such a good climate. 在这麽好的气候条件下, 植物可以自然生长. 4 without exaggeration; unselfconsciously 不夸张地; 不做作地
She speaks and behaves naturally. 她言谈举止很自然.
Try to act naturally, even if you´re tense. 即使紧张也不要做作. 5 easily; instinctively 容易地; 本能地
He´s such a good athlete that most sports come naturally to him. 他擅长运动, 多数运动项目对他来说都轻而易举.