
n. 自然, 大自然, 本性, 性格, 性质
【医】 自然, 大自然; 本性, 性能
against nature
by nature
in nature
nature n 1 [U] the whole universe and every created, not man-made, thing 宇宙和(非人造的)万物; 自然界; 大自然
the wonders of nature 大自然的奥妙
This phenomenon is unique in (the whole of) nature. 这种现象在(整个)自然界是罕见的.
[attrib 作定语] nature worship 自然崇拜. 2 [U] simple life of man before he became civilized (文明前的)简朴生活
He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature. 他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真返璞. 3 [U] (esp 尤作 Nature) force(s) controlling the events of the physical world 大自然的力量
Man is engaged in a constant struggle with Nature. 人类与大自然进行不懈的斗争.
Miracles are contrary to nature. 奇迹是与大自然的力量相对的. 4 (a) [C, U] typical qualities and characteristics of a person or an animal (人或动物的)本性, 天性
It´s his nature (ie It´s his natural reaction)to be kind to people. 他为人厚道.
There is no cruelty in her nature. 她心地善良.
Cats and dogs have quite different natures dogs like company, cats are independent.猫和狗的习性迥异--狗喜欢有伴, 猫爱独来独往.
She is proud by nature. 她生性傲慢. (b) [sing] qualities of a material or non-material thing 性质
Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质.
He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质. 5 [sing] sort; kind 种类; 类别
Things of that nature do not interest me. 我对那种事物不感兴趣. 6 (idm 习语) against `nature unnatural; immoral 违反自然的; 不合情理的; 不道德的. one´s better feelings/nature => better1. a call of nature => call1. in the nature of sth similar to/like sth; a type of sth 与某事物相似[类似]; 某事物之类
His speech was in the nature of an apology. 他讲的话就算是道歉. in a state of nature => state1. second `nature (to sb) what seems natural or instinctive, but has been learned 第二种天性(学得的近於天生的或本能的事物)
After a while, driving becomes second nature to you. 过不多久, 开车的动作就像本能的反应一样了.