
vi. 航行
vt. 航行于, 驾驶, 操纵, 使通过
navigate v 1 [I] find the position and plot the course of a ship, an aircraft, a car, etc, using maps and instruments (利用地图和仪器)测定(船、 飞行器、 汽车等的)位置和路线; 导航; 领航
Which officer in the ship navigates? 舰上哪个军官引航?
I´ll drive the car: you navigate, ie tell me which way to go. 我来开车, 你指路. 2 [Tn,] steer (a ship); pilot (an aircraft) 驾驶(船舶、 飞行器等)
navigate the tanker round the Cape 驾驶油轮绕过好望角
(fig 比喻) navigate a Bill through Parliament 使一法案在国会通过. 3 [Tn] (a) sail along, over or through (a sea, river, etc) 在(海、 河等)上航行; 横渡(海、 河等)
Who first navigated the Atlantic? 是谁首先横渡大西洋的?
the first woman to navigate the Amazon alone 第一个独自在亚马孙河上航行的女子. (b) (fig 比喻) find one´s way through, over, etc (sth) 设法穿越
I don´t like having to navigate London´s crowded streets. 我不愿意在伦敦拥挤的街道上穿行.