
vi. 商议, 谈判, 交涉
vt. 谈妥, 转让, 处理
【经】 谈判, 议定, 转让
negotiate v 1 (a) [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) try to reach agreement by discussion 商议; 谈判; 协商
We´ve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim. 我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判. (b) [Tn,] ~ sth (with sb) arrange or settle sth in this way 通过商议、 谈判等处理或解决某事; 商订; 洽谈
negotiate a sale, loan, treaty 商订销售事宜、 贷款、 条约
a negotiated settlement 经谈判的解决方法. 2 [Tn] get or give money for (cheques, bonds, etc) 兑现, 转让(支票、 债券等). 3 [Tn] get over or past (an obstacle, etc) successfully 超越, 越过(障碍等)
The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face. 那攀登者得攀越一陡峭岩石.
The horse negotiated (ie jumped over) the fence with ease. 那马轻易跳过了栅栏. 4 (idm 习语) the ne`gotiating table formal meeting to discuss wages, conditions, etc 谈判桌(商讨工资、 条件等的会议)
Both sides still refuse to come to the negotiating table. 双方仍拒绝谈判.