
n. 拱门, 拱形, 足弓
vt. 使成弓形
vi. 拱起, 成弓形
a. 主要的, 调皮的, 傲慢无礼的, 狡猾的
【医】 弓
arch n 1 curved structure supporting the weight of sth above it, eg a bridge or the upper storey of a building 拱(用以支撑如桥梁或上层建筑重量的弧形结构)
a bridge with three arches 有三个拱的桥. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page viii. 2 (also archway) similar structure forming a passageway or an ornamental gateway 拱道; 拱门; 拱形牌坊
Go through the arch and follow the path. 穿过拱门, 沿著那条路走.
Marble Arch is a famous London landmark. 大理石拱门是著名的伦敦标志. 3 thing shaped like an arch, esp the raised part of the foot between the sole and the heel 拱形物; (尤指)足底弓. =>illus at foot 见foot之插图. arch , v 1 [Tn] form (sth) into an arch 将(某物)构成拱形; 拱起
The cat arched its back when it saw the dog. 那猫看见狗时就拱起了背. 2 [Ipr] ~ across/over sth form an arch across sth; span sth 形成拱形跨越某物; 用拱连接
Tall trees arched across the river. 高大的树木成拱形横跨过那条河. arch adj [attrib 作定语] playful in a deliberate or an affected way 调皮的; 淘气的
an arch smile, glance, look, etc 淘气的微笑, 目光, 神情等.