
a. 学院的, 学术的, 不切实际的
n. 大学生, 大学教师, 学者, 学会会员
academic adj 1 [attrib 作定语] of (teaching or learning in) schools, colleges, etc 学校的; 学院的
the ,academic `year, ie the total time within a year when teaching is done in schools, etc, usu starting in September or October 学年
,academic `freedom, ie liberty to teach and discuss educational matters without interference from politicians, etc 学术自由. 2 [attrib 作定语] scholarly; not technical or practical 学者式的; 非技术的或实用的: academic subjects 学科. 3 of theoretical interest only 仅注重理论的; 学术的
a matter of academic concern 学术方面的事
The question is purely academic, ie not relevant to practical affairs but still interesting. 这是一个纯学术性的问题(与实际事务无关, 但仍使人感兴趣). academic, n teacher at a university, college, etc; professional scholar 大专院校的教师; 专业学者.