
n. 刻痕, 等级, 峡谷
vt. 刻凹痕, 用刻痕计算, 赢得
【化】 缺口
【医】 切迹
notch n 1 ~ (in/on sth) V-shaped cut in an edge or surface (边缘或表面上的)V型切口, 刻痕
cut/make a notch in a stick 在棍上刻一V型痕记. =>illus at groove 见groove插图. 2 level or grade of excellence 水平; 等级
Acting and direction are several notches up on the standards we are used to. 表演和导演水平远在我们熟知的标准之上. 3 (US) narrow mountain pass 山间小径; 隘路. notch, v [Tn] 1 make a notch or notches in (sth) 在(某物)上刻V形痕. 2 (phr v) notch sth up (infml 口) score sth; achieve sth 获得某分数; 完成某事
notch up a win, record, etc 获胜、 创纪录
With this performance, she has notched up her third championship title. 她因这一成绩而获得第三个冠军称号.