
n. 概念, 观念, 想法, 打算, 别致的小东西
【经】 概念, 打算, 想法
have no notion of doing sth
have a notion that...
notion n 1 [C] ~ (that...) (a) idea or belief; concept 观念; 信念; 概念
a system based on the notions of personal equality and liberty 基於人的平等、 自由等观念的制度. (b) idea or belief that is odd, vague or possibly incorrect (奇怪的、 模糊的或可能不正确的)观念, 想法, 信念
I had a notion that she originally came from Poland. 我有个想法认为她的原籍是波兰.
Your head is full of silly notions. 你满脑子都是糊涂思想.
He has a notion that I´m cheating him. 他以为我欺骗他. 2 [sing] ~ (of sth) (used esp after no, any, some 尤用於 no、 any、 some之後) understanding 懂得; 明白; 理解; 了解
Do you have the slightest notion of what this means? 你能明白一点儿这是什麽意思吗?
She has no notion of the difficulty of this problem. 她不了解这个问题的难处. 3 notions [pl] (US) small items used for sewing, eg pins, buttons, reels of thread, etc (缝纫用的)零碎东西(如针、 纽扣、 线轴等); 针头线脑.