
n. 坚果, 核心, 螺帽
【计】 Novell NetWare服务器实用程序
【医】 核果, 坚果
be off one's nut
nut n 1 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) fruit consisting of a hard shell with a kernel inside it that can be eaten 坚果
chocolate with fruit and nuts 果料巧克力
a Brazil-nut 巴西果 * a hazelnut 榛子. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page i. =>illus 见插图. 2 [C] small (usu six-sided) piece of metal with a hole through the centre, used for screwing onto a bolt to secure it 螺母; 螺帽. =>illus at bolt 见bolt插图. 3 [C] (sl 俚) head (of a person) (人的)头
He cracked his nut on the ceiling. 他的头让天花板碰破了. 4 nuts [pl] small lumps of coal 小煤块. 5 nuts [pl] ( sl 讳, 俚 esp US) testicles 睾丸
kick sb in the nuts 踢某人的睾丸. 6 [C] (sl derog 俚, 贬) (a) (Brit also nutter) foolish, eccentric or mad person 傻子; 怪人; 疯子
He drives like a nut he´ll kill himself one day. 他开汽车像个疯子--不定哪天就得撞死. (b) (preceded by a n 用於名词之後) person very interested in sth; fanatic 迷恋於某事物的人; 入迷的人; 迷
a movie, fitness, health, soccer nut 影迷、 健美迷、 健康迷、 足球迷. 7 (idm 习语) do one´s `nut (Brit sl 俚) be very angry 发怒; 气炸
She´ll do her nut when she sees the broken window. 她要是看见窗户破了准得气炸了. for `nuts/`peanuts (Brit sl derog 俚, 贬) (used with a negative 与否定词连用) at all 根本; 全然; 一点都
He can´t play football for nuts! 他对踢足球一点儿不摸门儿. a hard/tough `nut (to crack) (infml 口) (a) difficult problem or situation (to deal with) 难以应付的问题或情况
The final exam was a tough nut. 毕业考试不好对付. (b) person who is difficult to persuade, influence, etc 难以说服、 影响等的人
She´s a tough nut to crack; I don´t think she´ll give us permission. 她这个人不好说话, 我想她不会答应我们的. the ,nuts and `bolts (infml 口) basic practical details 基本要点
dealing with the nuts and bolts of the project 处理该计画的基本要点. ,off one´s `nut (sl 俚) mad 疯狂的
You must be off your nut! 你准是疯了!