
n. 可能性, 几率, 机会, 胜算, 不平等
be over the odds
give odds
receive odds
at odds
set the two at odds
be at odds with
shout the odds
make odds even
It makes no odds whether
The odds are that
be within the odds
dds n[pl] 1 probability or chance (that a certain thing will or will not happen) 可能性; 机会
The odds are in your favour (ie You are likely to succeed) because you have more experience. 你经验丰富, 成功的机会居多.
The odds are against him, ie He´s unlikely to succeed. 他可能失败.
The odds are that (ie It is probable that) she´ll win. 可能她赢. 2 difference in strength, numbers, etc (in favour of one person, team, etc); inequalities 差异, 不平等(力量、 数目等有利於某一方)
a victory against overwhelming odds 以弱胜强
They were fighting against heavy odds, ie a much stronger enemy. 他们在抗击强敌. 3 (in betting) difference in amount between the money bet on a horse, etc and the money that will be paid if it is successful (赌博的)投注赔率
The horse was running at odds of ten to one. 那匹马参赛赔率是十比一.
The odds are five to one on that horse. 那匹马的赔率是五比一.
I bet three pounds on a horse running at twenty to one and won sixty pounds! 我用三镑压在赔率为二十比一的马上, 结果赢了六十镑! 4 (idm 习语) against (all) the `odds despite strong opposition or disadvantages 尽管极为不利或遭强烈反对
Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming a ballerina. 她冲破重重困难, 实现了当芭蕾舞演员的梦想. be at odds (with sb) (over/on sth) be disagreeing or quarrelling (with sb) (about sth) (与某人)(在某事上)不和, 争吵
They´re constantly at odds with each other. 他们常互相争吵.
He´s always at odds with his father over politics. 在政治上他总和父亲意见不一. even chances/odds/money => even1. give/receive `odds (sport 体) give/receive an advantage at the beginning of a game (eg golf) to make it more difficult for the stronger player to win (比赛开始时强弱双方之间)让步[接受让步]. have the cards/odds stacked against one => stack v. it makes no `odds it will not affect matters; it is of no consequence 无关紧要; 没关系
It makes no odds to me whether you go or stay. 你是去是留与我无关. lay (sb) odds (of) offer (sb) odds(3) (of) 向(某人)以(某赔率)打赌
I´ll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job. 我以三比一的赔率打赌, 他能得到那份工作. ,odds and `ends; (Brit infml 口) ,odds and `sods small articles; bits and pieces of various sorts, usu without much value 零星杂物; 琐碎物品
He´s moved most of his stuff; there are just a few odds and ends left. 他把大部分东西都搬走了, 只留下一些零星杂物. Cf 参看 oddment. over the `odds (Brit infml 口) more than is expected, necessary, etc 比预期的或必要的为多
The firm pays over the odds for working in unpopular areas. 在条件差的地区工作, 公司多给酬金.
We offered over the odds for the house to make sure we got it. 我们为有把握得到那所房子就多出了价. what´s the `odds? (infml 口) what does it matter?; it´s not important 那有什麽关系?; 那无所谓
He´s left her? What´s the odds? He was never at home anyhow. 他离开她了? 那算得了什麽? 他反正从来都不在家里.