
n. 目的, 目标, 宗旨, 宾格, 实物
a. 客观的, 如实的, 无偏见的, 宾格的
【化】 物镜
【医】 [接]物镜
objective adj 1 not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; unbiased; fair 客观的; 不受个人的感情或意见影响的; 无偏见的
an objective report, account, assessment, etc 客观的报道、 叙述、 评估等
A jury´s decision in a court case must be absolutely objective. 陪审团裁定案件必须绝无偏见.
It´s hard for nurses to be objective about their patients, if they become too emotionally involved with them. 护士对病人太动感情就难以客观地处理问题.
He finds it difficult to remain objective where his son is concerned. 他觉得事关自己的儿子就很难保持客观态度了. 2 (philosophy 哲) having existence outside the mind; real 客观存在的; 真实的. Cf 参看 subjective. 3 (grammar) of the object1(5) 宾语的
the objective case, ie (in Latin and other inflected languages) the form of a word used when it is the object of a verb or a preposition 宾格(词的一种形式, 在拉丁语和其他屈折语中作动词或介词的宾语). objective, n 1 (a) thing aimed at or wished for; purpose 目标; 目的
Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist. 她的主要目标是当个有国际声誉的科学家.
Everest is the climber´s next objective. 埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰)是这个登山者的下一个目标.
Let justice be our objective. 让正义作我们奋斗的目标吧. (b) (in war) position that soldiers are aiming to capture (战争中要夺取的)军事目标
All our objectives were gained. 我们要夺取的军事目标均已拿下. 2 (also `object glass, `object lens) lens of a microscope or telescope closest to the object being viewed (显微镜或望远镜的)物镜.