
n. 职业, 占有, 占有期, 占领, 占领军
【经】 占有, 占用, 职业
occupation n 1 [U] (a) action of occupying; state of being occupied (occupy 1) 居住; 占据
the occupation of a house by a family 某家庭在某房子中的居住. (b) taking and keeping possession 占领; 领有
a country under enemy occupation 被敌人占领的国家
an army of occupation 占领军. 2 [C] period of time during which a house, country, etc is occupied (occupy 1,2) 居住期; 占据期; 占有期; 占领期
their four-year occupation of the farm, that country 他们对该农场四年的占用期、 对该国四年的占领期. 3 [C] (a) (fml 文) job; employment 工作; 职业
`What´s your occupation?´ `I´m a dancer.´ `你的职业是什麽?'`我是跳舞的.'
Please state your name, age and occupation. 请说明姓名、 年龄和职业. (b) activity that occupies a person´s (esp spare) time; pastime 占据某人时间的活动; (尤指)业余活动; 消遣
She has many occupations including gardening and wine-making. 她有许多消遣, 包括园艺和酿酒.
His favourite occupation is reading. 他的业余爱好是看书. =>Usage at trade1 用法见trade1. 4 [U, C] action of occupying a building, factory, etc as part of a political or other demonstration (对建筑物、 工厂等的)占领, 占据(作为政治等示威行动).