off the reel
栏目: 英汉词典 查阅: 64次
不停地, 滔滔不绝地
标签:off the reel,用法,音标,短语
- off a.关着的,不再生效的,处于....
- Back-Off 烤网...
- kick-off 分离,剔除...
- fall-off n.下降,减少...
- jab-off n.皮下注射麻醉品,麻醉药注射...
- badly-off a.穷的...
- turn-off 关断,断开...
- take off 拿掉,取消,脱下,领走,减去,...
- off-white n.黄白色,米白a.黄白色的...
- abrasive cut-off saw 磨切锯...
- take one's hat off to sb 向...(脱帽)致敬,对某人的...
- abrasive cut-off machine 砂轮切断机...
- back-off system 补偿系统...
- abrasive cut-off wheel 切断用砂轮...
- back-off angle 后让角,后角...
- e-i pick off E-I选截...
- face-off n.(冰球比赛中)开球,对立...
- kill off 消灭...
- hands-off a.不干涉的...
- cut sb off 使死亡,剥夺...的继承权...