
a. 令人不快的, 侮辱的, 攻击性的
【法】 攻击的, 进攻的, 冒犯的
on the offensive
offensive adj 1 upsetting or annoying; insulting 烦扰人的; 使人恼怒的; 冒犯的; 得罪人的
offensive remarks, language, behaviour 无礼的言语、 语言、 行为
I find your attitude most offensive. 我觉得你十分失态. Cf 参看 inoffensive. 2 disgusting; repulsive 讨厌的; 使人反感的
an offensive smell 难闻的气味
She finds tobacco smoke offensive. 她对烟草的烟很反感. 3 (fml 文) used for, or connected with, attack; aggressive 用於进攻的; 与进攻有关的; 侵犯的
offensive weapons 进攻性武器
an offensive style of play in rugby 橄榄球赛的进攻型风格. Cf 参看 defensive. offensive, n 1 aggressive action, campaign or attitude; attack 进攻的行动; 进攻; 攻势; 攻击
The new general immediately launched an offensive against the enemy. 新任命的将军立即向敌人发起攻击.
(fig 比喻) The company has launched a strong marketing offensive to try to increase sales. 公司已发动争取市场的强大攻势以期增加销售量. 2 (idm 习语) be on the offensive be making an attack; act aggressively 采取攻势; 主动出击
(fig 比喻) He´s always expecting criticism of his work, so he´s always on the offensive. 他料到自己的作品总归要受到批判, 所以总是以攻为守.
It´s difficult to make friends with her; she´s constantly on the offensive. 跟她交朋友十分困难; 她这个人口角尖酸、 咄咄逼人. go on/take the of`fensive begin to attack 开始攻击
In meetings she always takes the offensive before she can be criticized. 在会上, 她不等别人批评她而总是先发制人.