
n. 官员, 公务员, 职员
a. 公务的, 官方的, 正式的
【化】 收入药典的; 法定的; 公认的
【医】 法定的
【经】 机方, 机员; 机方的, 法定的, 正式的
official adj 1 of or concerning a position of authority or trust 公务的; 公职的; 职权的
official responsibilities, powers, records 公务、 职权、 公认的记录
in his official capacity as mayor 以其市长的官方身分. 2 said, done, etc with authority; recognized by authority 官方的; 正式的; 官方认可的
an official announcement, statement, decision, etc 官方公告、 声明、 决定等
the official biography of the princess 官方发表的公主传记
The news is almost certainly true although it is not official. 尽管消息是非官方的, 但是几乎确凿无疑. 3 for, suitable for or characteristic of persons holding office(4); formal 为公职人员的; 适合官员的; 有官员特点的
an official reception, dinner, etc 官式的接待、 宴会等
written in an official style 以官式文体写的. official, n person who holds a public office (eg in national or local government) 官员
government officials 政府官员
the officials of a political party 政党官员.