
n. 开始, 口子, 穴, 揭幕
a. 开始的
【化】 洞; 孔; 缝; 隙; 开孔; 通路
【医】 孔, 口, 除断电路, 断电
【经】 开盘, 就职门路
opening n 1 [C] way in or out; open space; gap (进出的)通路; 开口; 孔; 洞
an opening in a hedge, fence, etc 树篱、 篱笆等上的豁口
an opening in the clouds 云中的缝隙. 2 [C esp sing 尤作单数] beginning 开始; 开端
the opening of a book, speech, film, etc 书、 演说、 影片等的开头. 3 [sing] process of becoming or making open 开; 张开
the opening of a flower 花的开放
the opening of a new library 新图书馆的开幕. 4 [C] ceremony to celebrate (a public building, etc) being ready for use 庆祝(公共建筑物等)开始使用的仪式
Many attended the opening of the new sports centre. 很多人参加了新体育中心的开始使用典礼. 5 [C] (a) position (in a business or firm) which is open or vacant (公司等的)空缺
an opening in an advertising agency 广告公司的空缺
There are few openings in publishing for new graduates. 出版业中几乎没有给新毕业生的空缺. (b) good opportunity to do or talk about sth; favourable conditions 良机; 有利的环境
excellent openings for trade 做生意的大好机会
The last speaker gave me the opening I was waiting for. 最後的发言者给了我等待已久的讲话机会. opening, adj [attrib 作定语] first 首先的; 第一个的; 开头的
his opening remarks 他的开?quot;?BR>
the opening scene of a film 电影开始的镜头.