
a. 平常的, 普通的, 平凡的
n. 平常的人(或事)
【经】 普通的, 平常的, 通常的
out of the ordinary
in ordinary
ordinary adj 1 normal; usual 平常的; 正常的; 通常的; 普通的
an ordinary sort of day 平常的一天
in the ordinary course of events 按照事情的正常发展
ordinary people like you and me 你我之类的老百姓
We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her ordinary clothes. 我们都盛装赴会, 而她却依然日常装束.
(derog 贬) a very ordinary meal, ie nothing special 很平常的饭菜. Cf 参看 extraordinary. 2 (idm 习语) in the `ordinary way if the circumstances were usual 如果情况如常; 就通常情况而言
In the ordinary way he would have come with us, but he´s not feeling well. 在一般情况下他都和我们一起来, 只是他现在身体不太好. out of the `ordinary unusual; exceptional 不正常的; 例外的; 特殊的
Her new house is certainly out of the ordinary. 她的新居真是不同凡响.
His behaviour is nothing out of the ordinary, ie not unusual. 他举止没有任何反常之处.