
n. 风琴, 器官, 元件, 机构, 机关
【电】 风琴
organ n 1 part of an animal body or plant serving a particular purpose 器官
the organs of speech, ie the tongue, teeth, lips, etc 发音器官
The eye is the organ of sight. 眼睛是视觉器官.
the reproductive organs 生殖器官
The surgeon removed the infected organ. 医生切除了受感染的器官. 2 (fml 文) (official) organization that serves a special purpose; means of getting work done (官方的)机关, 机构
Parliament is the chief organ of government. 议会是政府的主要机关. 3 (fml 文) means for communicating the views of a particular group or party (集团或党派的)宣传工具, 机关报刊, 新闻媒介
organs of public opinion, ie newspapers, TV, radio, etc 舆论工具
This paper is the official organ of the Communist Party. 这份报纸是共产党的官方喉舌. organ n 1 (US also `pipe-organ) large musical instrument from which sounds are produced by air forced through pipes, played by keys pressed with the fingers and pedals pressed with the feet 风琴; 管风琴
He plays the organ in church. 他在教堂弹奏风琴.
[attrib 作定语] organ music 风琴曲. 2 any similar type of instrument without pipes 类似风琴的(无管的)乐器
an electric organ 电风琴
a mouth-organ 口琴. Cf 参看 harmonium.