
n. 输出, 产品, 产量
【计】 输出
【化】 输出; 产量; 排出量
【医】 排出量, 输出量, 排出物
【经】 产量, 产品(总称), 出产
output n[sing] 1 quantity of goods, etc produced (by a machine, worker, etc) (机器、 工人等的)产量
The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. 该工厂的平均产量是每天20辆汽车.
We must increase our output to meet demand. 我们必须提高产量以满足需求.
the literary output of the year, ie all the books, etc published in a year 一年的出版物数量. 2 power, energy, etc produced (by a generator, etc) (发电机等的)输出功率
an output of 100 watts 功率100瓦. 3 (computing 计) information produced from a computer (信息的)输出. Cf 参看 input 3. output, v (-tt-; pt, pp output or outputted) [Tn] (computing 计) supply (information, results, etc) 输出(信息、 结果等). Cf 参看 input v.