
n. 桨, 划桨, 明轮翼
vi. 划桨, 戏水, 涉水
vt. 用桨划, 划船运送, 搅, 拌
【化】 划槽; 平桨
paddle n 1 [C] short oar with a broad blade at one end or both ends, used to move a canoe through the water 短桨, 双叶桨(划独木舟的). =>illus at canoe 见canoe插图. 2 [sing] act or period of paddling (paddle 1) 划桨; 荡桨. 3 [C] instrument shaped like a paddle, esp one used for beating, mixing or stirring food 桨形工具(尤指用於击打、 混合或搅拌食物的). paddle, v [Ipr, Ip, Tn,, Tn.p] 1 (a) move (a canoe) through the water using a paddle 用桨划(独木舟)
We paddled (the canoe) slowly upstream. 我们慢慢地划著(独木舟)逆流而上. (b) row (a boat) with light easy strokes 轻轻地划(船); 荡桨. 2 (idm 习语) ,paddle one´s ,own `canoe (infml 口) depend on oneself and no one else; be independent 自力更生; 独立自主. paddle v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] walk with bare feet in shallow water 戏水; 涉水
paddling (about) at the water´s edge 在水边 水玩. Cf 参看 wade. 2 [Tn] move (one´s feet or hands) gently in water 用(脚或手)轻轻划水或拨水
paddle one´s toes in the water 用脚趾撩水玩. paddle, n [sing] act or period of paddling 戏水; 涉水.