
n. 页, 记录, 事件, 专栏, 男侍
vt. 标明...的页数, 翻...的书页, 分页排版, 呼叫, 侍候
vi. 翻书页, 侍侯
【计】 页; 页面
【化】 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳
page n 1 (a) (abbr 缩写 p) one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc (书、 杂志等的)页
read a few pages of a book 看几页书
You´ll find the quotation on page 35. 引文见第35页. (b) this sheet of paper itself (纸的)张
Several pages have been torn out of the book. 书中有几页撕掉了. 2 episode or period of history that might be written about in a book 可写入书中的历史事件或时期
a glorious page of English history 英国历史上光荣的一页. page, v [Tn] number the pages of (sth) 标明(某物)的页数. page (also `page-boy) n (a) (US `bellboy) boy or young man, usu in uniform, employed in a hotel or club to carry luggage, open doors for people, etc (旅馆或俱乐部雇用的、 通常为穿制服的)年轻男侍. (b) boy attendant of a person of rank or a bride 年轻的男侍从或傧相. page, v [Tn] call the name of (sb) over a loudspeaker(eg in an airport) in order to give him a message (用扩音喇叭)呼叫(某人).