
n. 武器, 军事行动
【机】 武器, 军械, 枪械
under arms
up in arms
to look on with folded arms
with open arms
in arms
with folded arms
to fly to arms
to go to arms
to lay down arms
to rest on one's arms
to take up arms
arms n[pl] 1 weapons, eg guns, rifles, explosives, etc 武器(如枪, 炮, 炸药等)
arms and ammunition 武器和弹药
Policemen on special duties may carry arms. 执行特种任务的警察可以携带武器.
[attrib 作定语] an arms depot 军火库. 2 =coat of arms (coat). 3 (idm 习语) bear arms => bear2. brothers in arms => brother. ground arms => ground2. take up arms (against sb) (fml 文) (prepare to) go to war; begin to fight 拿起武器; (准备)作战. under `arms equipped with weapons and ready to fight 配备武器, 严阵以待
a force of 300000 already under arms30万军队严阵以待. (be) up in `arms (about/over sth) protesting strongly about sth 强烈反对
The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby. 全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划.