
音标:['pætnt, 'peitnt]
n. 专利权, 许可证, 执照, 专利品, 素质
a. 专利的, 特许的, 显著的, 新奇的
vt. 取得...的专利权, 请准专利
【化】 专利(的); 专利权; 专利件; 专利品; 专利技术
【医】 开放的, 未闭的; 明显的; 专利的
【经】 专利, 专利权, 专利证
It is patent to all that...
patent adj ~ (to sb) obvious; clear; evident 显著的; 清楚的; 明显的: a patent lie 明显的谎言
his patent dislike of the plan 他对该计画明显的不喜欢
a patent disregard for the truth 公然无视事实
It was patent to anyone that she disliked the idea. 谁都知道她不喜欢那个主意. patent n 1 (a) official document giving the holder the sole right to make, use or sell an invention and preventing others from imitating it 许可证; 特许状; 专利证书
take out (ie obtain) a patent to protect an invention 取得专利证书以保护一项发明
patent applied for, eg marked on goods not yet protected by patent 已申请专利(如标在尚未获专利保护产品上的字样). (b) right granted by this 专利权. 2 invention or process that is protected by a patent 专利发明; 专利方法
It´s my patent. 那是我的专利发明. patent, adj 1 [attrib 作定语] (of an invention, a product, etc) protected by or having a patent (指发明、 产品等)有专利的, 受专利权保护的. 2 [attrib 作定语] made and sold by a particular firm 专利生产的; 专利经销的
patent drugs, medicines, etc 专利药物等
(joc 谑) his patent (ie personal) remedy for hangovers 他私有的治宿醉偏方. patent, v [Tn] obtain a patent for (an invention or process) 取得(某项发明或方法的)专利权.