
vt. 安排, 排列, 达成协议
vi. 安排, 排列, 达成协议
【计】 重排
【医】 排列, 安排, 布置
to arrange for sb to do
arrange v 1 [Tn] put (sth) in order; make tidy, neat or attractive 安排; 整理; 布置; 排列
arrange the books on the shelves 整理书架上的书
arrange some flowers in a vase 插好花瓶 的花
She arranged all her business affairs before going on holiday. 她在度假前把业务都安排好了. 2 (a) [Tn] plan the details of (a future event); organize in advance 筹备; 安排
arrange a dinner to celebrate their anniversary 筹备庆祝他们周年纪念的聚餐
arrange a programme, a timetable, an itinerary, etc 安排节目, 时间表, 旅行计划等
Her marriage was arranged by her parents, ie They chose her future husband. 她的婚姻是父母包办的. (b) [Ipr, Tt] ~ for sb/sth (to do sth) make sth happen; ensure that sth happens 使某事物发生; 确保某事物发生; 准备; 设法
I´ve arranged for a car (to meet you at the airport). 我已经准备了一辆汽车(到机场接你).
I´ll arrange to be in when you call. 你来电话的时候, 我一定在屋 等著. 3 [Ipr, Tn,, Tf, Tw, Tt] ~ with sb about sth; ~ (with sb) to do sth agree with sb about sth or to do sth 约定; 商定
I´ve arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cats. 我已和邻居商量妥喂猫的事.
Let´s arrange a time and place for our next meeting. 咱们定好下次会议的时间和地点吧.
I arranged with my parents that we could borrow their car. 我和父母说好我们可以用他们的汽车.
They arranged to meet at 7 o´clock. 他们约好7点钟见. 4 [Tn,] ~ sth (for sth) adapt (a piece of music) for a particular instrument, voice, etc 改编(乐曲)
He arranged many traditional folk songs (for the piano). 他(为钢琴演奏)改编了很多传统民歌. arrange, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
The verbs arrange, organize and plan all have two main meanings.*arrange, organize, plan 这三个动词都含有两层主要意思. The first is connected with putting things in order, the second with making preparations in advance. 一是把事物按顺序排好, 二是事先作好准备. 1 Arrange is to put in a pleasing or correct order*arrange指的是排成合意的或正确的顺序
You must arrange these books in alphabetical order. 你要把这些书按字母顺序排好. Organize is to put into a working system *organize是指理成便於工作的次序
To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas logically. 要写出好文章, 必须先从逻辑上理顺思绪. Plan is to draw a diagram of a place, project, etc *plan是指勾画出一地方或工程等的图样
Before we buy anything, let´s plan the kitchen on paper. 咱们先在纸上画出厨房的图样再买东西. 2 When we arrange a meeting we invite all the necessary people 我们 arrange一会议, 意思是邀请必要到会的人
Could you arrange a meeting with Mrs Wilson for Monday, please? 是否能请你邀请威尔逊夫人星期一到会? To organize a meeting we need to make all the necessary provisions, eg book a room, provide equipment and refreshments, etc 要organize一会议, 我们需要作好一切必要的准备, 如预定房间, 提供设施和茶点等
Who´s going to organize the sandwiches for Monday´s meeting? 谁来准备星期一会议上的三明治? When we plan a meeting, we decide in detail on its length, on the agenda, etc 我们plan一会议, 就要确定会议的长短, 议事程序等细节
If we don´t plan this meeting properly, we´ll get side-tracked into discussing unimportant issues. 倘若我们计划不好这一会议, 就会使讨论扯到枝节问题上去了.