
n. 请愿, 诉状, 陈情书, 申请, 祈求, 祷文
vt. 正式请求, 恳求, 请愿
vi. 正式请求, 恳求, 请愿
【经】 请求, 申诉
petition sb to do sth
petition for sth
petition to be allowed to do sth
petition sb for sth
petition n ~ (to sb) 1 formal written request, esp one signed by many people appealing to sb in authority 请愿书
a petition against closing the swimming-pool signed by hundreds of local residents 数百名当地居民联合签名反对关闭游泳池的请愿书
get up a petition about sth 就某事徵集签名请愿. 2 (law 律) formal application made to a court (向法院呈交的)诉状. 3 (fml 文) earnest request, esp to God; prayer 祈求; (尤指向上帝的)祈祷. petition, v 1 [, Dn.t] ~ sb (for sth) make a formal request to sb (for sth) (为某事)向某人祈求或请愿
petition the government for a change in the immigration laws 向政府请愿要求修改移民法
petition Parliament to allow shops to open on Sunday 向国会请愿要求准许商店星期日营业. 2 [Ipr] ~ for sth ask earnestly or humbly for sth 请求或恳求某事
(law 律) petition for divorce, ie ask a court of law to grant a divorce 请求批准离婚
petition for a retrial in the light of new evidence 根据新证据请求重审. petitioner/-FEnE(r); -FEnL/ n person who petitions, esp in a court of law 请愿人; (尤指)原告, 上诉人.