
n. 电话, 受话器, 耳机
vt. 打电话给
vi. 打电话
【医】 语音
phone n 1 telephone 电话: tell sb sth/order sth over the phone, ie instead of writing 用电话把某事告诉某人[订购某物]
The phone is ringing. 电话铃响了. communicating by phone 通电话
[attrib 作定语] make a phone call 打电话. 2 (idm 习语) (be) on the `phone (a) (be) talking on the phone 用电话交谈; 在通话
You can´t see her now she´s on the phone. 你现在不能见她--她正在打电话.
They´ve been on the phone for an hour. 他们已通话一小时了. (b) (of a person, business, etc) having a telephone (指人或公司等)有电话
Are you on the phone yet? 你安电话了吗? phone, v 1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sb) (up) telephone (sb) 给(某人)打电话
Did anybody phone? 有人打电话来吗?
I´ll phone them up now. 我现在给他们打电话. 2 (phr v) phone in telephone (esp one´s place of work) 打电话(尤指打至自己的工作处)
phone in sick, ie telephone to say one is absent from work because of illness 打电话请病假. phone n (linguistics 语言) single sound (vowel or consonant) in speech 音子; 音素.